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Какая система ПВО эффективнее Барака-8 или С-400?

Во-первых, вам нужно понять разницу = Barak-8 и S-400 нельзя сравнивать напрямую, потому что обе системы относятся к разным классам. … Барак-8 — это ракета земля-воздух. S400 — это целая система противовоздушной обороны, состоящая из различных ракет дальностью 40-400 км и мощных радаров. Barak-8 эквивалентен ракете 9M96E ракетной системы S400. Итак, давайте сначала узнаем, что такое Барак-8 и как он важен для Индии. Барак-8 =

Barak 8, также известный как LR-SAM или MR-SAM, представляет собой индийско-израильскую ракету класса «земля-воздух» (SAM), предназначенную для защиты от любого типа воздушной угрозы, включая самолеты, вертолеты, зенитные ракеты и беспилотные летательные аппараты, такие как а также крылатые ракеты и боевые самолеты с максимальной дальностью до 70 км, однако, согласно сообщениям, ракета была увеличена до максимальной дальности до 90 км после «обсуждений по обновлению дальности» между Индией и Израилем в ноябре 2014 года. Некоторые информационные агентства упоминаются ракеты дальностью действия в 100 км. Существуют как морские, так и наземные версии системы.

The Barak-8 has been designed to defend against a variety of short-to-long-range airborne threats, including fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, drones and projectiles. It incorporates a state-of-the-art phased array multi- mission radar, two-way data link, and a flexible command and control system that enables it to simultaneously engage multiple targets day and night and in all-weather conditions. Due to the comprehensive simulation and preliminary subsystem testing, only three flight tests are sufficient to clear the system for operational induction. Additional tests will follow the initial phase to further explore the system’s performance and capability enhancements.

Barak 8 is based on the original Barak 1 missile and is expected to feature a more advanced seeker, alongside range extensions that will move it closer to medium range naval systems like the RIM-162 ESSM or even the SM-2 Standard. Israel successfully tested its improved Barak II missile on July 30, 2009. The radar system provides 360 degree coverage and the missiles can take down an incoming missile as close as 500 meters away from the ship.

This missile was primarily developed by Israel to equip its warships to protect them from the Yakhont missiles which its neighbor was procuring. Israeli ships carried only short range SAMs and didn’t have modern radars capable of handling a dedicated attack by its enemies using Yakhont missiles. The answer to this problem was the extremely agile and accurate Barak-8 which packed the best available technology into a medium sized missile. With a max range of 90 km, it operates in conjunction with the MF-STAR radar

which can detect sea skimming missiles at 30-35 km range.

It combined a medium range and short range missile into one missile, having a minimum engagement range of just 300 m and max of 90 km. There are claims that a single Barak-8 can stop a BrahMos as close as 500 m from a ship. One of the reasons behind the claims is that the Barak-8 is very accurate and has an active homing radar seeker, which enables the ship to technically forget about the missile after its launch and the missile finds the target on its own although the ship does provide guidance and mid-course updates.According to Defence Experts, the missile system delivers an accurate, high quality, real-time arena situation picture and extracts low Radar Cross Section (RCS) targets even in the toughest environmental conditions. It is a digital Active Electronic Steering Array (AESA) Radar System which incorporates new and advanced technologies.

The Barak 8 missile system can operate by night as well as by day in addition to all weather conditions. It is capable of successfully dealing with simultaneous threats engagements, even in severe saturation scenarios.The system has a very short reaction time and a fast missile vertical launch capability with 360 degree coverage. The system optimizes the coordination between the missile and batteries by using an advanced broadband communication network.Four variants have been proposed for service In Indian Army Navy and Airforce;

Naval Barak-8 (70km) system designed for anti-air and anti-ship missile defence both long range as well point defence. This system also comprises of EL/M-2248 MF-STAR AESA radar. As per rumours it could also serve as a point defence ABM.

MRSAM(70km) variant for the IAF, designed for air defence and cruise missile defence.

A highly mobile shorter range variant (50km) for IA, designed for air defence as well anti-PGM capabilities which could possibly include point defence ABM capabilities (Nasr).

An extended range version (150km) called Barak-8ER which in all likelihood will find its way to IN and IAF inventory.

Barak-8 as an AAM.

Indian air force is one of the proposed user of KS-172 and R-37. These are the long range missiles that were designed primarily for killing slower, less maneuverable platforms like large transports, refueling tankers, AWACS and other C4ISTAR platforms. But these missiles are practically useless for engaging highly maneuverable fighters because the low g-tolerance of these missile don’t allow them to do so.

By rule of thumb, an AAM needs to pull atleast 4 times more g-force than the target it is engaging, something the aforementioned missiles cannot do.

According to sources, Rafael and Raytheon are developing a Stunner (David’s sling program) based long range BVRAAM leveraging on the key technologies developed for program namely the dual seekers placed in its very unique “dolphin nose” and a triple pulse motor. So my question is what’s stopping India from doing the same? Here are few points in favour;

Barak-8 is already in service with India as its co-developer.

It has an excellent active seeker.

It has 2-way datalink.

It can be guided by Phalcon or DRDO AEW

